Our SECOND Book!

No Two Stars are the Same: A Day in Town

We are so excited to announce that our second book is currently in the works! We finally have a title, No Two Stars are the Same: A Day in Town! We are gathering lots of positive feedback so far and hoping it is just as amazing as book number one🙌🏻

The story involves a day trip to town and all the characters are very special to us, as all their names represent people that have helped us along the way in our crazy journey. From those who have been there since day 1, those kids who mean so much to us, those who helped us so much and to those who have changed our lives🤩

This is not only a second book, but it’s also a celebration of our journey so far🎉

We have hit a massive 450 donated copies to date in just 12 months, so we are super excited to then start donating our new book to primary schools in NI too🌎

Keep your eyes peeled for sneak peeks, release dates and maybe some special invites😮

Pre-Order available now on booksbystellas.com


Until next time...
Books By Stellas⭐️

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